Nos films préférés en 2014 : Nicole Brenez
The most crucial filmic endeavour since 2011 and all along 2014 is the work of the Abounaddara Film Collective, based in Damascus, documenting conflicts and thinking life under the Syrian wars, posting a new film almost every week, that show how civil emergency and deep formalism can merge. Cf. ICI et ICI
Then, by alphabetical order, 12 visual explosions, one for each month of the year :
Adieu au langage, by Jean-Luc Godard, France-Switzerland, 2014
Amor, by Othello Vilgard, France, 2014
Bukit Orang Salah, by Jiekai Liao, Singapore, 2013
Censors Must Die, by Ing K, Thaïland, 2014
Filme Selvagem, by Pedro Diógenes, Brazil, 2014
‘Get All That, Ant?’, by Anthony Stern, UK, 2014
La Septième Aventure plastique, by Jacques Perconte, France, 2014
O Porto, by Clarissa Campolina, Julia De Simone, Luiz Pretti, Ricardo Pretti, Brazil, 2013
Our Shadows Will, by Vladimir Perisic, Yougoslavia, 2014
Romance sans paroles, by Christophe Guerin, France, 2013
Transformers The Premake, by Kevin B. Lee, USA, 2014
Vers une esthétique du signal. Dynamiques du flou et libération du code
dans les arts filmiques (1990-2010), Ph.D. by Bidhan Jacobs, France, 2014.