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le vieux monde qui n'en finit pas
le vieux monde qui n'en finit pas
le vieux monde qui n'en finit pas
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29 décembre 2008

Exit Ann Savage

Celle qui fut, face à Tom Neal,
la femme fatale du mythique Detour d'Edgar Ulmer
est morte à Hollywood.

Les « ulmériens de la première heure » sont inconsolables.


“I wasn’t aware of the term film noir until the Seventies. When they gave a retrospective on Edgar Ulmer at UCLA in the Eighties, I read up on it. It was a revelation to me when I learned Detour was a film noir. At the time, I just thought it was wonderful what he did with the story, and also I loved working with him because he was an actor’s director and he could get wonderful performances out of you. I was very young and ignorant of the facts, but Edgar certainly knew what he was doing. I must also give Martin Goldsmith credit for his characterization, because it was all there in the script. I met with Mr. Ulmer on the set while he was directing another film. I had signed a two–picture deal with Mr. (Leon) Fromkess… by the way, are you related? No, different spelling, though he produced several noirs, and I’d love to know more about him. I don’t believe I had seen the script when I met Edgar. I only worked three, three–and–a–half days [her first appearance is 32 minutes into the film]. La suite ici

